Why Lexi?

Duis neque nisi, dapibus sed mattis et quis, nibh. Sed et dapibus nisl amet mattis, sed a rutrum accumsan sed. Suspendisse eu.


Duis neque nisi, dapibus sed mattis et quis, nibh. Sed et dapibus nisl amet mattis, sed a rutrum accumsan sed. Suspendisse eu.


Lexi apps are available completely free of charge. I am a pastor and deeply sympathize with all on a pastor's salary seeking quality software tools.


simple • lightweight • quality

Microsoft Word Add-In

A Microsoft Word Add-In for Logos users. Lexi provides a set of custom copy and paste options, Personal Book Building tools, document and text utilities, and other features for taking exegetical notes and writing theological papers. Lexi is a word tool.

Microsoft Powerpoint Add-In

A Microsoft PowerPoint Add-In for Logos users. Lexi provides a convenient tool for copying Bible verses from Logos with a set of custom formatting options. Fast and functional, Lexi is a word tool.

Lexi Converter

An app that converts ePub and other files into documents formatted for Logos Bible Software. This program requires Logos from Faithlife and Microsoft Word to be installed.

Lexi Personal Book Installer

An app that automates the data entry for Logos's Personal Book Builder. Lexi is the only known automated installer of Personal Books for Logos.

Sharing a personal tool

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